Our People
The UAG Bio Nutrients team has vast experience in engineering, innovation, infrastructure and agribusiness.
Founder & Executive - Strategy & Business Development
John is the founding executive chairman of UAG Bio Nutrients, bringing more than 40 years of involvement in agribusiness, engineering and construction management to the team.
John Barraclough
Founder & Executive - Design &
Peter is a co-founder of UAG Bio Nutrients and has been involved in agribusiness, engineering and automation systems for 35 years. He formerly founded the world’s largest macadamia processing facility.
Peter Fusarelli
Executive - Sustainable
Brett is a qualified vet who has consulted for over 30 years in improving human and animal nutrition through soil improvement. Brett specialises in advising on sustainable and regenerative agriculture.
Brett Warren

John Barraclough
Founder & Executive - Strategy & Business Development
John is the founding executive chairman of UAG Bio Nutrients, bringing more than 40 years of involvement in agribusiness, engineering and construction management to the team.
Global involvement in agribusiness for more than 20 years, including set-up of global trade.
Experienced in engineering + construction management in major infrastructure.
Strong strategy and implementation skills. John’s introduction to strategy came from working with strategic consultancies McKinsey and CORDS, on two projects in the Australian resources sector and the restructuring of an Australian bank respectively.
John has founded and grown several innovative companies – with successful exits.
He is the author of multiple papers and business guides covering Total Quality Management, Export Development, Business Planning and Management Skills for the Australian Government.
Degree in Mechanical Engineering (University of NSW, Australia) and a Masters of Business Administration (AGSM, Australia).
Peter Fusarelli
Founder & Executive - Design & Engineering
Peter is a co-founder of UAG Bio Nutrients and has been involved in agribusiness, engineering and automation systems for 35 years. He formerly founded the world’s largest macadamia processing facility.
Designed and built the factory as Managing Director and Company Secretary of the public unlisted Co. over 10 years.
Designed and constructed other macadamia facilities in Australia and Africa.
Initiated the development of new international markets in 10 countries working with some of the largest food companies in the world.
Initiated and delivered multiple R&D projects.
Has lectured on TQM and JIT production systems.
Lifetime involvement in engineering design, industrial automation and robotic control systems.
Has developed unique IP for drying and environmental processing in the food, industrial and agribusinesses sectors.
Brett Warren
Executive - Sustainable Agriculture
Brett is a qualified vet who has consulted for over 30 years in improving human and animal nutrition through soil improvement.
A history of working effectively and consciously across rural and regional Australia in a wide range of agricultural industries. From a family background in cattle, sheep, wheat and feed lotting, he combines Holistic Management processes with hands on experience in sustainable/regenerative agriculture.
Consulting for the last 30 years improving plant, animal and human nutrition from the soil up. Using this as the foundational building block for holistic links in the soil, plant, microbial, animal and human ecological interactions.
Strong focus on soil health education and the simplicity of biologically friendly inputs generating balanced highly functional soils driving production and carbon sequestration in pastures, broadacre cereal, irrigation and specialist crops.
In 2004 and 2005, Brett completed the Australian Rural Leadership Program on a GRDC Grains Industry Leaders Scholarship. This included professional, personal and leadership development, whilst examining key national and international issues including interacting extensively with leaders in government, industry and the community in all states of Australia and on an overseas study tour of China and Hong Kong.
UAG Bio Nutrients is leveraging Brett’s global network in sustainable agriculture.
Degree in Veterinary Science (Sydney University) plus studies in biological farming in Australia and in the USA.